Tag Archives: sunsets

Updates Mid June

In a day or to we will have the shortest day of the year.  It is odd saying that and knowing it is June, but then sitting here with freezing tootsies and looking at the fire, knowing that we had yet another frost overnight, I do feel like we are in winter! But it is still strange saying it.

(picture of fire)

The chicks are growing up amazingly fast.  They are 6 weeks old now, but it is still too cold for them to be out with the flock overnight.  I am trying hard to make sure they spend longer and longer outside during the day, but they do like to make sure that I know about it when they want to come in.  The other day when the main flock had gone to roost, I was still busy on the laptop trying to finish something before I took them in.  One of the bigger ones decided I wasn’t paying them enough attention and jumped up onto my knee which happened to have the laptop on it… needless to say typing with a chick on the laptop is not possible and hence they got their way.  They were ready to be rounded up and taken in and didn’t offer any resistance to being caught and put into the pet carrier to be carried inside.  Luckily they are getting the hang of that concept quite quickly so don’t offer much resistance any more!

Chicks playing dead!

I posted this picture on a Facebook poultry group with the caption “Have you ever wondered how many 6 week old chicks can fit into 1 small hole left by a post being removed?” and the number of people who asked me how they had all died was unbelievable.  It had never occurred to me people would consider they were dead, or that someone who bury them in such as shallow hole!

On the subject of chooks, Kayley, one of our pullets has started laying in the last week as well.  We are getting a really nice blue egg from her which is a good size given that she is such a small chicken and they are steadily getting bigger each day.

Kayley’s First Egg (in the middle).  The one of the left is a blue bantam egg and the one on the right is a blue hen’s egg.
Box of blue eggs!  4 bantam eggs, 1 of Kayley’s and 6 Araucana eggs.

Showering is definitely back to the middle of the day routine now, preferably a sunny day when the laundry room has warmed up and you don’t feel like you are going to freeze the moment you step out of the shower.  Clothes washing is also a sunny day only job now we are back in winter, but usually we don’t have any issues getting the washing dry provided it is hung out before midday.

We have had to make some changes with the chooks.  They are now fenced in most of the day – they have a large run and I try to let them free range for an hour or so in the late afternoon which they really enjoy.  It’s nearly 3 week since I last saw a fox during daylight hours which is great news because it could mean that it has moved on to easier targets elsewhere, but I don’t want to push our luck just yet.

Stuart had some time off last week, so we took the opportunity to visit somewhere else for a change.  It was in between 2 medical appointments (physio and pain management) so there was limited time after we had been to our favourite restaurant, but we managed to get to Canberra’s National Exhibition Centre, aka the new Tourist Information Office.

(Some of) Lunch at Sweet Bones
Still Distracted
Now it’s my turn. A cashew nut milk hot chocolate and a Raspberry Cheesecake Chocolate Brownie. All vegan.

Then it is time for somewhere new and some new information boards to look at.  These ones relate to why and how Canberra was chosen to be the capital of Australia.  What went on and how was responsible etc.

TIO Display board on all of the nominated locations for the new Capital of Australia.
TIO.  The idea is that you take the city shapes off the noticeboard above and put them ono this floor and it will highlight the positive sides of each of the locations.
TIO:  Another of the noticeboards here.

And then you can have a look at the view.  It wasn’t the best of days being quite hazy, and these are taken through a glass window but they give you an idea.

TIO:  The view looking out over Lake Burley Griffin
TIO:  The view looking out over Lake Burley Griffin
TIO:  The view looking out over Lake Burley Griffin

Well I must apologise for the break, but when I took the chicks out this morning and was trying to get some nice photos of the rest of the flock (they’ll happen in another post), I spotted that some of the girls (the two contenders for top chook) were sporting blood and blooded combs.  Stuart already had gone shopping by then, and luckily a hair dryer was on the list for him to buy because some of the chicks are, well they are a little smelly after they decided to dust bath in sawdust and chook shit yesterday and it’s not warm enough to be washing them and letting them dry out naturally… and one of the chooks was also sporting rather a lot of chook shit on her feathers and it was very smelly and very sticky and wouldn’t come off.  And so this afternoon has been spent washing and drying her.  1½hrs to blow dry a chicken!  Can you believe it?  OH Victor Meldrew mode!

Yes – it really did take that long to get her dry enough to let her out in the chick wardrobe to dry completely.  She is sporting her winter plumage and is very feathery to say the least.  Once in the warm water and over her initial panic, she settled down and started to fall asleep on me!  It did take 2 of us to wash her and clean her.  Stuart opted to clean up her comb, so we used quite a few q-tips up in doing so, but it did at least confirm that it was blood and blood clots on her comb so we can at least say it was a fight and not anything contagious as I first feared!  I got to deal with the shitty feathers.  And it smelt awful.

JJ2 and the fight

She then sat on my knee for the next 2 hours whilst I used first a towel and then the new purchased hairdryer to blow dry a chicken.  She is an exceptionally cooperative chicken to say the least.  Now that she has had a few days to sort all her feathering out she looks amazing.  But this is her immediately after being blown dry and me having extracted myself from the chair.  I can confirm that a chicken sitting on your knee whilst you are trying to blow dry it, is not the easiest method but it does allow you to comfort her during her initial moments of panic having never encountered a hairdryer before – funny that really isn’t it.  Evolution has not involved hairdryers in the centuries of chicken breeding!

JJ2 1 and a half hours later…

Sorry, I keep getting side tracked.  It’s Tuesday now, tomorrow is the shortest day.  And we are due another cold night.  In fact it is still too cold for us to have the chicks outside at night.  Which is a pain because although I love listening to their twitterings, their smell is getting overpowering in the morning no matter how often I clean out their wardrobe/cage.  Today has been a very cold start to the day, or should I say more of a miserable I am not going to get warm start to the day.  It has been dense fog for most of the morning.  It still hasn’t burnt off and it hasn’t made it out of single figures yet.

One of the problems of running a forum is having to deal with the member squabbles and arguments and this that and the other.  It can be stressful at times and dealing with irate members who are in a completely different time zone to you is interesting to say the least.  For the moment, at least, things have now quietened down again and only the 1 member walked.  She will probably be back, but I won’t lose sleep if she isn’t.  She was a pain in the ass at the best of times and argumentative deliberately at the worst.  Exactly how you can have such an argument over lemons is beyond me, but there we go.

So a few random pictures that have been added to the files here, but not used for some reason.

Stuart’s idea of a Bunch of Flowers!

Breakfast at the weekend.  It was meant to have been porridge, but after a reading about a discussion on the cooking forum I run, I decided I fancied some and went and made a batch of pikelets whilst waiting for Stuart to get up.


And the Father’s Day cards which we had to have made up especially for the occasion because it isn’t father’s day here in Australia so the cards are not on sale and well, getting them from an online store in the UK with a printed message and name just isn’t the same somehow!

Father’s Day Card 2
Father’s Day Card 1

Right, I shall spend the rest of the afternoon variously chasing chickens, chasing magpie larks who keep getting stuck in the old building which is being used as a quarantine for the 6 pullets we came home with from a friend at the weekend (we gave her 1 rooster and came home with 6 pullets we were not expecting!) and then doing a log run (aka getting the night’s wood in) and cooking tea.  When I am done, I will try to get some yarn spun and some photos edited so I can post them up here in the next few days.

And finally, one of the sunsets we have had recently.  These are in time order.  They rarely last long and the clouds that day were flying passed at a speed of knots yet it was totally calm on the ground.

One Year On (Part 1)

I’m sitting here looking out of the window.  It’s nearly 8am.  The sun hasn’t yet got to the house, but it has made it to the chook house.  It has been cold again overnight.  The kind of cold you know about.  It’s white (again) outside despite the blue skies and sunshine.  It was around the -3°C to -4°C mark yet again last night.  Not as cold as Monday night (we lost the water again), but I’ve learnt to gauge the outside temperature by how far up the fields the hoar frost comes and today it has come all the way up and passed the house, but it didn’t make it all the way up to the veranda and the pond only has a very light layer of ice on it.  Still it was cold and the tap water told us about it.  Mind you so did the laundry room floor, air temp, the toilet room, the bedroom… you get the idea.  The only place lovely and snug outside of the bed, was the sitting room.

The wood burner, sorry, slow combustion stove and the chaos that is currently the sitting room!

Winter didn’t officially start until a few days ago, but Autumn finished with a series of wonderful sunsets and sunrises, a spell of foggy and then cold to very cold weather and some fantastic colours outside despite most of the place being Eucalyptus which is evergreen!  That is after a short spell of this.

Another subtle but nice sunrise

And then this…

…and then a few days of this.

Not a day to be doing the washing!
The chook house has had to have its moat redug.

Inside the chook house, the inner enclosure also needed the ‘trench’ redug.

The trench…
It’s hard sitting in the sun drinking coffee

The floor level has been dropped on the other side of the roof which handily comes without guttering.  The far end which wasn’t draining has been dug out and filled with rocks.  I did the same last winter, but it has needed to be repeated.  Hopefully this time it will last a tad longer.

We then had a spell of bright sunny days,

Morning rituals. I stand and wave goodbye… …with a mug of coffee in my hands, I’ll admit!

…cold nights, some nice sunrises, some foggy sunrises, …

Autumn colours and the first frosts


Foggy mornings in Autumn

some foggy sunrises and the first real frosts…

Got colder and frostier…
And some were quite spectacular
..with the colours extending way round to the north
but still foggy…

… the sunsets also started to get really nice as well…

The last of the evening light…
but both sunrises and sunsets don’t last long

along with some nice sunsets.

Looking up from sitting with the chooks, this sunset said fire. At first it was a pale wispy smoke which said bush fire, but then it went dark and serious and it said it had found something else to burn.

One sunset said fire to me very loudly and a quick check on the Fires Near Me site confirmed this.  The following day the main highway (The Kings Highway) was closed when the cold foggy morning compressed the smoke from the fire (a controlled burn that wasn’t as well controlled as hoped for) down onto the ground after way too many accidents.  Luckily because Stuart likes to get out before the main rush, he got through before the road was closed, but he said conditions were not good at all.

The Autumn colours came and went in a couple of days in our garden but I was able to photograph some on the road as well….

Autumn Colours

In our veg plot, we had this wonderful golden tree for a few days, then masses of fallen leaves.  At least the chooks are having fun now that I have moved them into their enclosure.

Whilst it is hard to make out, this tree is in the veg plot and the only angle to view it from when it is a lovely as this, is from the sunroom!


Autumn gold… comes and goes in a few days. Gales the next day stripped the tree of its leaves.

I took a few photographs of the maple (?) that also grows in the veg plot area.  It only went gold this year, with the odd leaf being red but the leaves on the ground were marvellous.

Autumn colours
so very beautiful
A friend once said, the best way to preserve the colours wasn’t to press and dry the leaves…
… but was to photograph them where they lay.

The days have steadily grown colder and another cold start to the day….

The view from the sunroom and it says ‘COLD’…. I woke at 3am to find out that we had already lost water. The pipes, somewhere in the garden, had frozen again.

reveals some wonderful hoar frost…

My view. My frozen view with a ‘roo.

…and a chilly morning to be without any water (or my personal hot water bottle for that matter – how does he know?  He always manages to be away from home when something like this happens).

The very sheltered thermometer on the veranda

But the views remain great.

The way out east – OK, sorry. It’s one of the calendar views but this was taken this week and as you can see, it is just as nice as before
The view from the chook enclosure.

A timely reminder to check before you charge off the veranda.  I can now finally tell the difference between a wallaby and a ‘roo.

A timely reminder on Tuesday morning, that I should remember to look up and around as I come charging out of the house…. The wallaby had come down to the pond for water. The pond was frozen.
The chimney now has an extension…. Tuesday morning and it is still cold out!
I just like the hoar frost and it came a long way up passed the house on Tuesday morning and when you have no running water, what else is there to do other than to wander around with the camera (until the battery complains and the card is full). Well I suppose there is the log run to do.
Our view. Aspects still remind me of Scandinavia until you spot a ‘roo or wallaby that is!
The view from the car port. I know, I am meant to be getting the wood in, but…
One of our bushes – it didn’t go as red as the other one (which is scarlet) but this one was catching the light nicely.

I was to spend the remains of the day digging holes in the garden to try to find an exposed water pipe, so that I could bury it again.  To quote my facebook entry (yeah, I know…)

I have just spent the morning digging to find an exposed pipe so that I could bury it again.

I believe I may have accidentally buried my sense of humour along with the pipe instead of my jobs list.

The irony of this situation is not lost on me, unlike my sense of humour which presumably won’t freeze overnight.

The pipe’s location is now marked with bamboo markers which will be swapped over to something more permanent shortly.  We will also be burying the pipe a touch deeper (it hasn’t frozen again, but we want to ensure that the wildlife around here doesn’t dig it back up).

Given that it is now 11:30am, I’ll continue tomorrow or Monday.  I have housework to get on with, cleaning to do, hoovering and chicks to tend to…. then a certain husband of mine should be home for lunch and hopefully with the supplies I need to carry on with the chook house repairs and renovations. Now that they have to spend much more time in the enclosure, we have had to make it more secure and also to provide them with areas for dust bathing, foraging, and ‘entertainment’.  I’m still working on the latter.  I’ll update you all on the chicks soon as well.  They have grown considerably and one or two of them definitely have personalities!