Tag Archives: birthdays

Routines & Birthday Wishes

I sit here thinking, I wonder what on earth they want to read.  I am so busy during the day that I rarely stop, and yet, I feel I have nothing to actually say here.  It is so odd.

So what’s my routine?  It depends largely on if it is a weekday or a weekend day.

I get up at 6am no matter what.  I have meds that need to be taken 3 times a day, equally spaced and they stop my right leg from spasming as badly.  Be late with a dose and the leg starts to spasm.  It’s from my back going and I presume permanent nerve damage because it has not changed since day 1 and yet I am told that all of the spaces in the back/hips/pelvis area are ‘what they should be’.  It doesn’t stop the pain or the spasms which the leg is notoriously good at.  Week days Stuart gets up at 6am anyhow so that’s not a problem but he lies in for an hour at the weekend.

Breakfast comes next if it is a weekday, and whilst we are eating breakfast, the chooks’ mash and whole oat grains are left to soak in hot water.

A breakfast treat. Homemade picklets or drop scones with fresh mango and coconut milk yoghurt.

And once that is done, Stuart has made his sandwiches for the day and left for work around 7:10am, I can get on with the rest of the food for the chooks.

Stuart counts this as busy in the rush hour. He actually had to stop for the traffic lights!

At the moment, the garden is so very dry that even the grass is not growing.  There hasn’t been a blade of green grass since before Christmas now and that means there is nothing for the chooks to eat in the way of greens.  So at the weekend when we do our shopping we ask for the waste greens (from Woolies – the do give it away if you ask) such as the stems and leaves off cauliflower which the chooks love).  Woolies also have a range called the ‘odd bunch’ which is misshapen veg basically and the chooks will get some carrots and whatever are the cheapest apples/pears.  This week we are back on Granny Smith’s at $1.99 per kilo, so they get 1 a day between them.  They also get a large carrot grated (or 2 small ones) which will take them most of the day to consume.  Half of the apple is pealed and skewered on a curtain hook and hung so that they only get one bite before it is swinging and they have to wait before they can try again, and the other half is cut into smaller pieces for the chicks to eat.  The cauliflower leaves are thrown down on the ground and left.  The next morning the stems are collected (after they have been stripped bare of leaf) and cut up into small pieces which the chooks then happily eat – they can be amazingly odd creatures really.

Usually the food is put out in a different place in the garden everyday – this stops the rosellas and crows/magpies from spotting any routine and eating it before the chooks do.  But at the moment the chooks are going through a ‘we don’t want to lay in the nesting boxes’ period, so they are left in the outer enclosure with their food, until we have about half a dozen eggs around midday.  Yep – yesterday it was 8.  That’s the most we have taken in any one day!  There is also food put out on the veranda in chook hanging feeders which the rosellas/cockatoos/magpies can’t see into because of how high we hang them.  It also stops the chooks from scratching at the food with their feet and sending it scattering.  There are 2 of each type hung up, 1 mixed grain (a carbohydrate/starch led feed) and 1 chick starter/cracked, roasted soya grit (a protein led feed) on the veranda and another mixed grain under the veranda (a cooler place during the heat of the day and somewhere where the shier of the flock will come to).  There is an additional shell/oyster grit pot that also gets put down which compliments the protein and the starches feeds.  This allows the flock to basically chose what they eat during the day because some of the flock have higher protein needs that others (the rescue ISA Browns and one of my Araucanas have much higher protein needs than some of the others).  The mash mixed with porridge oats and the soaked whole oats gets put under the house or up on the veranda depending on where it was last and if the magpies/crows found it.  Usually they don’t when it is under the house, but I like to change things around just to deter them and the rosellas/mice from eating it.

Next comes either the housework or the cooking depending on how hot the day is going to be and what needs to be done.  We cook on a several days at once approach, so one meal will cover us for 2 or 3 nights.  It made life easier for us when we were both working and it is something we have continued since.  After all, we don’t want to eat an entire quiche in one sitting, so why can’t something that serves 6 or even 8 cover 3 or 4 nights served with a different side dish?  And if I am cooking 1 quiche, then I will do 2 and the other will be cut up and frozen once it is cold.  That way I use up a few more eggs and also have a backup in the deep freeze which we purchased a few weeks ago.

Ordinarily, this and a break around 10:30am usually takes me through to around lunch…  And if I haven’t got cooking or housework to do, or it is going to be a cooler day (below 25°C is now classed as cooler!) then I’ll get on with some work on my cooking forum that I got given back at the end of last year.  It is a quiet forum and has one other moderator (excluding the last owner) so thankfully doesn’t often need much management doing.  But I do need to check on it everyday and also post new threads and keep the small number of members talking to each other and discussing current topics in a hope to attract new members.  It is a hard task and takes up a surprising amount of my time.

Usually by now the chooks have also been let out if they are on a ‘you are staying in the chook enclosure until you have lain in the nesting boxes’ day…. like today.  Mind you it is currently only 10am and both of the 13 week old chicks (yep they are now 13 weeks old!) have escaped from the enclosure and are currently jousting in my herb patch.  The ginger chick’s sex is still unknown, but I am being swayed towards the cockerel side of life currently.  But it could still go either way with it.  The other is most definitely a cockerel but as of yet isn’t an issue with our rooster, so we haven’t yet sold him.  I may have a home for him if he is a purebred Welsummer cockerel but we will have to wait to see his full feathering for that.  Either way though he is a splendid looking chick!  Ginger has currently found a broken bamboo (presumably broken by the possums last night) and is eating the remaining green leaves off it!  I have finally found a use for bamboo other than drying it and making canes from it!  Chook feed.

The afternoon’s work depends entirely on how hot the day is going to be.  There are endless little things to be done and usually because I don’t sleep particularly well, I am also exceptionally tired by now as well.  There is plenty to do in the veg plot, the garden, we now have more wood to split and stack, there is a certain blog to write, photos to edit and convert from raw format to jpeg (in other words, something you can’t see to something you can see), there is more housework to do if it is not too hot, there is usually washing to get back in by now (too much UV light damages the fabric, so its a bring it in once it is dry approach rather than leaving it until last light and swearing at it, then getting it in as you lock up the chooks for the night!), I usually need to get eggs pickled or frozen or decanted from the 2 egg containers into plastic storage bags, so that the 2 egg container can be reused for the next batch of lightly beaten eggs to be frozen.  What else, well I am also knitting another blanket so if I want a rest period, there is a feet up and knit option on the veranda.  I am making my own sari silk yarn now from old saris.  I had considered buying the yarn because it allows me to support the women who make it, but the colours were never what I needed for my blankets despite me being able to purchase old saris that were the right colours.  So I looked at the stuff mum had purchased and decided that it was easy to make my own and I purchased a sari back when we lived in the UK, I just never did anything with it…  And so I am now.  It is really easy to do, just a single line of stitching from the sewing machine down the center of the twisted torn sari and you are done.  It also allows me to make longer pieces of yarn because I can stitch them together at the same time, so I can make 30m or so at a time which is 2 rows of 200 stitches allowing me a complete contrasting row of sari silk in my blanket.  One sari makes about 4 or 5 of these 25-30m balls which is great because it only cost me £11.99 including postage to purchase it.

At the moment, I am tending to be asleep when Stuart gets home from work around 6pm.  This is the hottest part of the day.  It starts to drop off around 7pm luckily and if the skies are clear, the temperature drops rapidly after 7:30pm when the sun drops below the mountainside opposite us – its sounds far grander than it actually is, we are quite high up (750m) and the tops are only about 50m higher.  The creek which has been dry now for quite some time, is about 25m lower than us, if that.  Hills would be a better term, but they are mountains at this height, as I know them, so mountainside it is.

We are still able to eat our evening meal out at the moment just.  It is a close run thing, but to be honest, it is still so warm that we don’t mind eating this late (we prefer to sit down to eat for 6pm, but can’t because Stuart is not home, so it has slipped to 7pm now).  At the beginning of April when daylight saving ends, we should be able to continue eating our evening meal outside but breakfast will well and truly be back at the dining table inside!  This year, daylight saving ends on the 2nd April.  It is always the 1st Sunday of April in Australia.  So 2am becomes 3am and we lose an hours sleep, will definitely we getting up in the dark no matter what time we get up (6am or 7am) and should continue to be able to eat outside if it is warm enough in the evenings.  It gets more confusing when the UK changes and we haven’t…. The 11 hour time difference becomes 10 hrs for a week and then back to 9 hours for several months…  The UK changes to BST on the 26th March… so there is a single week of 10 hours!

After our evening meal, and the after the chooks have had their last meal of the night; they come through in a raiding party which is most funny to watch.  They will have been in the septic tank field which has longer grass and thistles in places, hunting for grasshoppers and crickets.

They then come in to see what ‘goodies’ have been put down for them – usually I only throw extra grain at them but what they seem to fail to notice is that this is the grain they haven’t eaten from the feeder on the veranda.  They pick out what they want to eat from the mixed grain feed taking only their favourites during the day.  I then scatter the rest in the evening, and they eat the remainder!  I know the rosellas and crows then eat the rest, after the chooks have been through, but it is probably better that they do, than mice and rats do.  The chooks then go to roost – this sounds easy.  It is not in practice.  We have a problem girl.  One of the rescues.  A lovely sweet little girl who has turned into a major headache at night.  She wants to roost alone.  And had taken to roosting up in the rafters which wasn’t a problem until we spotted that she has bumblefoot.  This is a staph infection in her pads on her feet.  It is often caused by hard landings after roosting too high up at night.  There are plenty of other causes, but we really suspect the 12 foot drop to the wooden floor each morning as being the main cause here, so blocked off access to the rafters.  And so the little quiet girl turns into a nightmare at night.  She wants the highest perch and no-one will challenge her over this because they have their old favourite roosting perches and the one she wants is a new one.  And so she clears 3 rails of perching and has it to herself, forcing the rest of the flock to roost 5 or 6 to a rail where only 3 ought to be.  And the smallest and most timid is ending up sleeping under the other chooks on the bedding material.  This is not good news.  She is very vulnerable there and if there is a pest problem (and we know we have mice in the chook house so have traps down where the chooks can’t get to) she is at risk of being hurt because chooks are very sound sleepers apparently and she will sleep through mice running over her and chewing at her feet and feathers!  Not to mention sleeping under roosting chooks means she will get their droppings over her as well because chooks poop whilst they sleep!  So each night, we are currently catching her and putting her in the ‘sin bin’… this is the pet carrier with the door shut.  Then we move our rooster and his 2 favourite girls (the ones either side of him) and put them on the highest roosting perches where the problem chook was.

Today we are ripping out all of the roosting perches and putting 3 long rails in.  New ones that none of them have ever used before.  It will cause chaos tonight, but hopefully over the course of the next week, things will settle down again and life return to ‘normal’.

Sometimes at the weekend (or a day’s annual leave) we got off and explore a touch, so here is a little of what we have been up to since the last update…

Julia’s 50th birthday party.

Fancy Dress… 1980’s style birthday party we went to. I went as… well most people worked it out instantly and were fascinated. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a best fancy dress award…

One of the roads we drove recently… OK some of them.  Stuart complained about them bitterly!  I gather they were too busy.  Some did remind us of the roads in Finland though, but without the 10m strip cut back for spotting reindeer wandering into the road.  Here the Aussie’s could really do with something similar for kangaroo’s but don’t,  It would make life a lot safer.  The SUV is booked in now to have full ‘roo bars, not nudge bars,  fitted along with 2 * 600W LED Spot Lights wired into main (full) beam, to help us see the <insert word heres> things!

Straight, tree lined and err, busy?
Something of interest – clouds in the sky
Now this is more like it – clouds and a corner to tend to!
Spot the opening… there could be a view or even something to see… there was and it looked distinctly like an ostrich!
A slow bit… some bends!
Straight again, but there is an opening and, sorry no clouds.

You get the idea…. so that is this update.  The battery has just informed me that if I don’t save this and shut down, it is going to do it for me.  So I had better say goodbye, save my work and get one with my jobs for today – Day 2 of Stuart’s annual leave.

And happy birthday to Duncan and Catherine.  Duncan I won’t say how old, Catherine congratulations of your 30th, it was great speaking with you last night, and Louis – congrats as well for today!  Hopefully we will get chance to speak to you but if we don’t Sheila & Dave, can you please pass on our best wishes to Louis.

Christmas Holidays should not be this hot

Stuart had booked 2 weeks off over Christmas and the New Year with the first full week in January also off.  It meant that there was a long list of jobs that needed attending to.  Jobs that I could do, but generally found difficult for a number of reasons, but usually on the physical strength side of life, or the fact that they needed 2 pairs of hands.  It meant that this list grew more than it shrank as we remembered or found new things to get done.

This included accepting defeat and getting lots of strimming and lawn mowing done; continuing the ever lasting battle with leaves coming off the Eucalyptus gum trees which don’t have an autumnal leaf drop (as far as we can tell) but seem to drop leaves continually.  Sadly these leaves are a fire risk being very highly flammable and dry.  It means that they have to be racked up constantly and it is pretty much a case of the “Severn Bridge” or is it the “Forth Road Bridge” scenario whereby once you have finished you are in a position whereby you have to start again because you can’t actually tell that you have done anything!  A touch of wind, a tiny amount of rain and the leaves are coming off in their thousands again and we have rather a lot of these gum trees in the garden.  I guess that is the downside of living in native woodland (she says as a touch of wind has leaves fluttering down in front of her yet again).

Another issue with the racking up the leaves in to nice neat piles is that the piles don’t stay as piles very long at all.  There is always a chook or 5 waiting to inspect the piles for anything edible.  Before you can even turn around to pick up the pile and move it to the wheelbarrow (where it is also not safe) the pile has been scattered and inspected!  The only upside is that they don’t scatter it as far and wide as it was previously and if you are lucky, it only gets scattered the once!

So Stuart’s holiday started with Christmas Eve literally.  He had the shopping to get done which we did together.  It was considerably quieter than we had expected it to be.  We rigged it so we actually did it in the afternoon to avoid the heat.  An air-conditioned supermarket during the heat of the day is far better than an air conditioned supermarket first thing in the morning when it is cool and then going home to work in the worst of the heat, so we have changed life around.  We get up early and work… then off to shops or hide inside when it gets too hot outside and rest, bed, shower etc and try again when life is a little cooler.

Christmas day started off cool(ish) for me at least.  I gave Stuart a lie in, or at least tried to but he woke naturally around 7am, so we had breakfast outside as we have taken to doing of recent.

Christmas Day Breakfast on the veranda
The view. I watch the ever changing light.
Our view over the countryside. This one always reminds me of Sweden for some reason!
The view from the veranda over the ponds
A flower I have yet to ID but it is very similar in appearance to a (Scottish) harebell except that it is flat, not bell shaped.

Our evening meal has been our Christmas meal for a while now.  Mostly because we prefer it that way, and of recent it has been from one of our cookbooks, with a few Emma modifications, mostly in the spices range but this year there were a few additional changes, such as the bean sprouts being switched for pea sprouts which just looked much nicer in the shop and I had hidden a few sprouts in there as well.  It wouldn’t be Christmas without some sprouts would it?  Also a couple of other changes included me going back to the original recipe and using pak choi.  We didn’t like it the year we used it in the UK and had started using spring greens or spinach instead, but the pak choi here is better, so we decided to try it again.  As usual there was also spinach in there because pak choi never goes far enough…  And I always fry off the tofu and make it crispy.  The recipe says fry it til it browns slightly and their recipe image in the cookbook shows it uncooked… we do it as we like it…

Our traditional Christmas meal. A vegan Laksa Lemak. But we have decided that it needs to be salads from now on.

Then there was the home-made Christmas Pudding served with the traditional chocolate ice-cream.  Well it is Christmas isn’t it?  Actually, normally we had it with fresh soya cream which we can’t get in Australia.  In fact getting soya cream at all is rather difficult, yet diary free ice-cream is readily available…

Homemade Christmas Pudding and Chocolate Ice Cream!

Boxing Day also dawned bright and early and hot.   Breakfast was again outside, as it was for all of Stuart’s leave.  And the light whilst different was just as nice and I felt the need to wander around with the camera after breakfast.

The view from the veranda over the ponds on Boxing Day
The view from the veranda over the ponds on Boxing Day

Boxing Day saw nice streams of light as the morning mountain fog burnt off for the day.

Just starting to peep over the tops of the native woodland and get hot.
The house on Boxing Day morning.
Our view over the countryside. This one always reminds me of Sweden for some reason!

A different day and the same view, just different light yet again.  Sadly getting away from the power lines, changes the angle too much dropping down too far to get the view.  The gradient here is deceptive.  Over the holidays, this grass was also cut back.  We have a battery operated strimmer and the aim (though not always accomplished) is to use one full charge each morning cutting back the grass.  This is for several safety reasons but the main one is snakes.  The brown snake (which we have seen on 2 occasions now) likes to hide in long grass.  Cut the grass back and you solve the problem.  Simple really…  So boots and trousers are called for, plus a sunhat, fly spray and suncream at 7am in the morning and you work for either as long as you can cope with the flies (after your sweat, nothing more, but they love your eyes, nose and lips which is really annoying!) or until the battery runs out – roughly 20-30 minutes.  After that is it too hot to be out in the direct sunshine and you need to select your work to be in the shade.

Our view over the countryside. This one always reminds me of Sweden for some reason!

Boxing Day breakfast also saw us start the attack on the Christmas Cake.   We hadn’t opened it on Christmas Day, we were just too full and too hot.  So breakfast was Christmas Cake and coffee and that was it.

The Unwrapping of the Christmas Cake
The Unwrapping of the Christmas Cake

Some time later….

The Unwrapping of the Christmas Cake…

Apologies for the bad photos.  As you can see it was cool enough for me to need a fleece top as well as my T shirt!

Now how exactly do we set about this?
Now how exactly do we set about this?
A smallish slice to start off with…

And a view to go with it.  What more can you ask for?


The 27th saw our 20th wedding anniversary.  Stuart decided to imitate our juvenile delinquent.,.. One of his jobs was to clear the gutters of debris and leaves etc.  Now the house itself does not have guttering, but the roof over the old veranda had a lot of debris on it which is a fire risk especially in a wooden house which is what we are living in.  Now I’ll remind you of the juvenile delinquent we have…

This little fellow (actually they are huge but…)
The Cover of the calendar which family received for Christmas.
Missed. He actually missed landing on the branch and caught it with his beak instead to stop himself from falling!
Recovering slowly…
Now who saw that?

And then there is this one.  This is a rather common occurrence.  When we have our 9am break, he would often come and hang upside down and peep in to see what was going on.

Whose in the sun room today?

So, my husband, on our 20th wedding anniversary decides to sweep down the roof of the house, have his Shawshank moment (I’ll see if I can get a hold of the video for you) and then do this…

Is there anyone home?
Time to pretend…
… to imitate the noise of a …
… our juvenile delinquent…
… hija… are you paying attention?

Yep – he’s still my husband.  Can’t take him anywhere, but at least he is enjoying himself!

He also had to take a look at the chimney and make some measurements because we were to bid of a woodburning stove and needed to factor in the cost of a flue and with that came the need to know how many meters of flue we needed.

Our wedding anniversary also saw us leave the house for a change.  We upped and left to go to the cinema for the afternoon.  Stuart had upgraded our seats to the premium seats and we had no idea as to what to expect.  We were anticipating wider seats in a better position but our seat numbers were E5 & E6 so we were a touch confused.  By UK standards that put is at the front of the cinema.  When we got to the cinema we were directed into a restaurant area away from the normal queues and waiting area.  The bar/restaurant took us by surprise.  We were told we could order our drinks and food and they would be delivered to us as and when we stated during the film.  So you could select to have the food or the drinks or both at say ¼ into the film, or an hour into it etc.

Apart from a medical emergency happening in one corner of the waiting area, there were very few people around.  We were going to see Rouge One, a Star Wars film and expected it to be full.  And it was full, but there were only something like 44 seats in that screen and we were in Screen 1.  There were only 2 screens in the premiere section.  Row E was almost the back row.  There were only another 4 seats behind us (on one side only).  The seats were fully electric reclining seats.  You could lie back as far as you wanted and not impede on the person in front or behind you!  Every two seats shared a table between then where the food and drink was left!  The isles were large enough that my wheelchair stayed alongside me, getting in no-ones way.  And sure enough, part way through the film our hot food was served to us.  It was completely different from anything we had expected!  Wide, spacious (in fact we were unable to hold hands because the seats were so wide and so far apart!) and no-one complained about you making a noise whilst eating!

The jobs list continued.  In fact on Christmas Day, Stuart had installed part 1 of the en-suite bathroom for the chooks… We are taking them over to deep mulch system under the roosting perches and Christmas Day saw side 1 installed.  Boxing day saw the second half installed and a by the end of the holiday a new roosting perch installed as well.  It is now the preferred perch because it is in a draft and the draft is cool!

The en-suite. The second half went on the other side of the doorway.

Later in the holidays, the height of those roosting perches was dropped a touch when the chicks started to roost up on there as well, on my birthday of all days!  It scared the living daylights out of us initially but they are now remarkably good flyers and like all children have no fear of heights.  They now routinely watch ‘mum’ walk down the steps off the veranda, down the path and around whilst they just take a running jump and a short cut joining her the ‘fun way’!

Boxing Day also saw me launch an attack on painting some of the cupboards in the house.  The insides were filthy and needed dealing with before we used them.  I had been putting it off until the warmer weather arrived.  At least that was the excuse I used in winter, then I was too busy in Spring and … yeh, I just had to get on with it.  In fact, they were so filthy, I actually had to wash them before I could paint them.  3 coats of paint later and they were ready for use.

My birthday also saw Stuart present me with this wonderful caterpillar which neither of us went anywhere near!

A caterpillar Stuart found and presented to me at the end of a rake! Even the chooks didn’t want to eat this one!

And then there was this.  We know which nest it was, and it had been in use.  Given that there were no dead chicks, no shells or broken eggs, we can only assume that it came down or was ‘taken down’ after the chicks had fledged and we do have fledgling Silver Eyes in the garden at present in the right area, so we think it isn’t the disaster it could have been!

A nest made from grass and spider’s webs which Stuart found on the ground. We have seen 4 of them around the place, so think this one wasn’t in use. There was at least no sign of any broken eggs or shells. It is possibly the nest of a “silver eye” but we are not sure.

And no birthday would be complete with out a birthday cake.  I know we have the Christmas Cake and the Christmas puddings to eat, but its my birthday and I wanted a birthday cake, so Stuart spend the morning (the only time cool enough to use the oven) cooking me an olive oil chocolate cake!  It was served with raw chocolate coconut ice-cream and some dairy free orange and hazelnut cookies that he found for sale in the local ‘food lovers market’.

My birthday cake, an olive oil chocolate cake served with melting chocolate ice-cream and some orange and hazelnut cookies which were also dairy free! He knows how to treat a lady.

I’ll continue with the rest of this update tomorrow.  It is getting too hot now to stay in the studio (or the house for that matter) and it is coming up to lunchtime here.  But the rest of the holidays saw us visit some family friends which I promise I will write up tomorrow, even if I have to go back in time afterwards to catch up… and then there was the visit to the seaside…