Tag Archives: moon shadows

Moon Shadows

 So has been happening?  Well Stuart has had some interesting and some boring drives to work this week.  He tells me that he nearly hit the wombat yesterday because he sees it every morning and every evening and it has always been sitting at its den entrance warming itself in the sunshine, but on this one occasion it was on the other side of the track and well he was looking for it at the den entrance and it decided to cross the track as he approached!

He also came home with these ‘snaps’ off his phone complaining that the drive to work was boring!

On Gidleigh Road by the bridge
On Gidleigh Road by the bridge
On Gidleigh Road by the bridge
On Gidleigh Road by the bridge

We also have a full moon at the moment and the moon shadows have been amazing.  Mind you, you haven’t needed a torch at night either.  It’s odd going into the laundry in the night because with the clear skies (and very cold temps) we have had some stunning light from the moon which is up from the moment it goes dark at the moment and it is over the laundry window, which has meant that we haven’t needed the light in the laundry because the moon has been so bright.  Several times we have had to double check that we have actually turned the light out!

IMG_5379_800bLooking towards the outbuildings (bike shed) from the chopping log.

IMG_5376_800Looking towards the house from the chopping logs.  The shadows are simply amazing!