The new Chicken Coop

So all my girls (and a few boys) have also had to move house as well. Initially they were in temporary accommodation. We had obtained a coop and converted it to a night time roost, but high winds (from a storm front) destroyed that the first day, so their emergency accommodation had been the workshop. I repaired the door and we rigged it so that it could be shut and kept shut at night. But the workshop was never going to be long term and at best stank!

The old chicken coop needed to be repaired, and renovated. Not to mention sterilised because I have no idea when it was last used or the health of the birds that were in it (or for that matter what birds they were, budgies, parrots, chickens etc).

The new coop needs some work on it

Inside the left hand side.

A far cry from their old accommodation where they were spoilt rotten!

The coop at Spring Creek

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